The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13504   Message #111405
Posted By: Áine
04-Sep-99 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Grits
Subject: RE: BS: Grits
Dear Penny,

Please don't listen to these 'grits-bashers'! Grits are still a cheap, excellent food that is still very popular here in the Southern U.S. Unfortunately, like most regional dishes, it needs to be consumed in its natural setting to be fully appreciated.

Save your money instead of paying out for 'faux' grits there in the U.K., and put it toward a ticket to Texas. I promise that you will find the most wonderful places to experience 'true' grits here. Or, anywhere south of the Mason-Dixon line.

And to catspaw49 -- any true grits lover knows that the only decent way to eat grits is with a pat of REAL butter, along with a little salt and ground black pepper! Save the gravy for the biscuits -- where it belongs!!