The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66902   Message #1114122
Posted By: Deckman
11-Feb-04 - 12:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
I find the timing of this question amazing. I have just finished a serious study on the life of Teddy Roosevelt. His influence on many things in the world and America was astounding. For example, it's quite possible, in my opinion, that he was responsible for the Spanish American war. When he was Assistant Director of the Navy, he started the Navy buildup that culminated in the sinking of the Maine in Havana harbor. He then strongly urged President McKinley to declare war. After the President was forced into the war, Roosevelt then resigned from his government job and enlisted in the Army. This is turn led to his forming his own small Army, the Roughriders, and the rest is history, as they say.

I also asked myself this question, "What if I hadn't met and married my first wife?" (I've had so many wives that I have to number them). The answer to that questions is ... then I wouldn't have all these wonderful children I have. While this example is not earthshaking in the worldwide scheme of things, it sure has impacted me! CHEERS, Bob