The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66917   Message #1114302
Posted By: SINSULL
11-Feb-04 - 04:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Being alone, how?
Subject: RE: BS: Being alone, how?
Kendall's recent illness has had me thinking along the same lines. I have family but all live a significant distance from me, my choice, not theirs. If I were hospitalized or confined home I would be alone. Friends would help but no one could live with me.Guess it would be paid help and hope they don't steal anything.

The House Of The Setting Sun is very real to me. But not in New Orleans. There is a home for retired opera singers who are down on their luck in Italy. Verdi founded it, I think. They live comfortably, sing when they feel like it, and everyone laughs at the tenors.

We wouldn't need much - a roof over our heads, decent food, privacy, and music. Health care would be nice, I guess. I suspect we could never agree on a location but cost of living would have to determine that to some degree. Maybe just a big house with lots of bedrooms and bathrooms with some common living area.

I know I could survive in a rest home, maybe even be happy. But I would rather live with friends than survive with strangers.

So...all the women catters sell their homes and collectively buy a large house with cottages on the property. Some live year round; some visit. Money???? Oh that!