The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66719   Message #1114495
Posted By: jimmyt
11-Feb-04 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: The largest class society in the world
Subject: RE: BS: The largest class society in the world
CHief Chaos, you are correct that there is a big demand for plastic surgery. It is market driven, and apparently people would rather look good than feel good in AMerica (I suspect other places as well) but unfortunately that is the world in which we live. Back to the other comment you made, I still have a hard time buying in to the concept that some people cannot become doctors because of finances, because it is in fact quite a bit more expensive to go to dental school than medical school, and I did it, with no parental support, no benefactor, three children and a working wife and lots of student loans. By the way, the student loans I borrowed were not at the 5 or 6 percent that the students can now borrow, but during the late 70s and early 80s rates were so high that I was paying up to 19.33 percent on the last $10,000 I paid. I borrowed a total of $78000.00, and the final payoff was arounf $250,000 by the time I paid it off 10 years later. I am willing to listen to anyone's ideas about why things are bad, or why someone cannot achieve, or whatever and make an honest attempt to understand the logic, but facts are facts, I actually have walked the walk. It can be done and it is done every day by folks who do not accept the barriers, but focus on thier goals.