The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66917   Message #1114595
Posted By: open mike
11-Feb-04 - 11:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Being alone, how?
Subject: RE: BS: Being alone, how?
I, too, am intimately acquainted with intentional communites! I live with 8 other partners on 50 acres we went in on nearly 30 years ago. When i first lived "in community" (besides students sharing a large house during university days) i was in the community which co-edited Communities Magazine along with Twin Oaks. One of the most recent Communities Magazines is about aging and growing old in community. It is now published in Sandhills community in missouri.

There is another effort that i think deserves some attention and that is In Harmony in Corvalis, Oregon. Greg Brown loves this project & has doen several benefit concerts and c.d.'s for them. (One of them, Solid Heart, is based on a poem by one of the kids looking for a home) The goal is to create a space to house young people and older people who all need homes. and Senior center/orphanage type village.

***OH--BY THE WAY, there is 80 acres (2 40 acre parcels) adjoining the 50 acres we are on which will be on the market soon and would make an ideal location for such a Village!! it has a creek, southern exposure, meadows and wooded land, and...and....I showed the place to some people who are looking land for a group living space. they thought it had potential.

See also: Co-Housing--the co-housing movement is growing and many people are finding that sharing space is a great solution for economic, ecological and cultural this and find out.

The Care Taker Gazette seems to be more about finding situations where you are taking care of someone else's property. This might not be the situation if and when WE get to need taken car of! nbsp;  1. THE CARETAKER GAZETTE       ... SECURE Website by clicking here: THE CARETAKER GAZETTE is a unique newsletter containing property caretaking and house sitting opportunities ...    2. THE CARETAKER GAZETTE      ... Each issue of the GAZETTE features a full-page caretaker profile describing the lifestyle, responsibilities and personalities of people in caretaker jobs. ...
   3. The Caretaker Gazette - Property Caretaking & Housesitting ...      Celebrating The Gazette's 22nd Year of Publication! Todays Date: February 9, 2004. Facts About The Caretaker Gazette. Free Report! ...   4. The Caretaker Gazette - Caretaker Profiles
      ... THE CARETAKER GAZETTE PO Box 540-M River Falls, WI 54022 USA (715) 426-5500 The Caretaker Gazette is in