The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66917   Message #1114735
Posted By: Penny G.
12-Feb-04 - 06:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Being alone, how?
Subject: RE: BS: Being alone, how?
When my youngest sister(50) and her husband move away to Kentucky in May they will be starting a new life on 29 acres with stream and woods.She is an artist and has encouraged me to join them there....she told me that they worry that I will have nobody to care for me when I get old...she is 7 years younger and is going to"save me a spot" if I ever decide to leave the hills of Virginia...I have felt the sting of loneliness but really will feel it more when the last of my chicks heads off to college next is nice to know that someone cares enough to make an offer to let me live on their land but I am not ready for Campbellsville just yet...I wonder almost everyday what sort of life I will have in my sixties and beyond..I think it is hard when friends are scattered all over...I will follow this thread for inspiration and direction...