The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66917   Message #1114908
Posted By: Jeri
12-Feb-04 - 11:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Being alone, how?
Subject: RE: BS: Being alone, how?
I'd agree with Peter T. I believe Taoist philosophy says something about desire/ambition being the root of unhappiness. In some ways, I agree with that. When there's no way desire may lead to improvement, it will only cause frustration. "I want, but can't have." That's where loneliness springs from.

Where I think the philosophy is wrong is that desire and ambition CAN lead you to change your life so you can attain those things you desire, and they'll fit into your life.

I think most, if not all people who are fairly happy with their lives regret some aspects, some of the time. The "what'll happen to me if" aspect is most likely confined to those alone, whether they've chosen the lifestyle or it's been dumped on them. There is an infinite number of ifs just as there's a nearly infinite number of if onlys. You've got to get a good handle on the difference between things you can predict and do something about and an imaginary future hell, which ought to have a big old "Road closed. You didn't really want to visit anyway, did you?" sign hung at its entrance.