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Thread #66824   Message #1114925
Posted By: Teribus
12-Feb-04 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush and Meet the Press????
Subject: RE: BS: Bush and Meet the Press????

Had it been handled differently, I don't believe there would have been a war in the west at all. The Germans definitely did not want a war on two fronts, their planners certainly looked at the prospect, and concluded, that should this happen, they had to have their war in the west no later than 1938, and their attack on Soviet Russia no later than 1944. Ideally the German attack on Russia should have been staged in 1939, with the Red Army still disorganised as a result of Stalin's purge of 1938.

To equate the current actions of the United States of America to those of Nazi Germany in 1939 is utterly ridiculous.

With regard to the war on Iraq, the perception of, "the evershifting White House reasons" is both misleading and incorrect, Clinton's "Iraq Liberation Act" of 31st October, 1998, clearly put down the marker that, in the long term, the US desired regime change in Iraq as being preferable to attempted containment. The situation and circumstances that caused the Clinton administration to launch the series of attacks on Iraq in December 1998, known as "Desert Fox" were no different to those that were being demonstrated in March 2003. I do not believe that anyone was duped into supporting the war, Bill Clinton's actions in 1998 were both right and justified, as were George W Bush's in 2003.

Post-9/11, the US had to evaluate potential threats. Why Iraq as opposed to North Korea, Pakistan or Saudi Arabia? There are a number of countries that feature. Saddam Hussein was the only national leader to publically applaud the attacks. At that time he had successfully rid his country of the UN weapons inspectors and the UN sanctions prohibiting imports/exports were being circumvented. The questions left hanging regarding Iraqi WMD and WMD programmes had to be cleared up. I still maintain that had the original draft of what became 1441, with its specific threat of immediate military action should Iraq fail to comply, been adopted, there would have been no war. In its watered down form Saddam saw room to manouevre, which he took advantage of - only this time (because of 9/11) the US were not going to let him give the UN the run around for the second time.

Also post-9/11, the US clearly stated their view with regard to the war on terror - "You are either with us or against us." - that was an important and essential stance to take. Of the countries the US were concerned about, it should be appreciated that the potential threat was not necessarily from the governments of those countries but from elements within those countries. Review how some of those countries reacted:

Taleban "government" only recognised by three other nations, not recognised by the UN. When asked to surrender Osama bin Laden and eject members of his Al-Qaeda organisation, they refuse repeatedly. US provides assistance to those fighting the Taleban in Afghanistan and the Taleban are removed from power. Al-Qaeda forced to flee.

President condemns Al-Qaeda attacks and offers assistance in terms of intelligence and over-fly rights to ensure that the US support for the Northen Alliance forces is effective. Pakistani government cracks down of extremist groups within Pakistan. Relations with India improve. Steps are taken to stop proliferation of nuclear technology and know how. Pakistan continues to support and co-operate with the US.

President publically applauds the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon and continues to defy the UN.

Condemns the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. Declares its nuclear programme and admits IAEA inspectors on the premise of unrestricted access. While probably the greatest supporter of foreign terrorist groups Iran is currently undergoing radical internal political change.

Condemns Al-Qaeda attacks, reaches a settlement with regard to the Lockerbie bombing. Subsequent to the fall of Iraq and capture of Saddam Hussein renounces pursuit of nuclear status and other WMD. Invites UN to supervise and verify the dismantling of those programmes.

Saudi Arabia
Condemns Al-Qaeda attacks, removes hardline fundamentalist clerics, cracks down on internal fundamentalist groups and those financing them.

Condemns Al-Qaeda attacks, reduces support for terrorist groups, extradites Turkish terrorists and co-operates with the US with respect to Iraqi fugitives.

North Korea
Publically admits to pursuing a programme to attain nuclear power status. Not considered a serious threat due to the state of the country and the fact that it can be contained politically by its neighbours in the region, principally by China. Should North Korea attempt anything it will not be a case of the US having to do something about it, the Chinese will ensure North Korea's good behaviour. US refuses bi-lateral talks and all party talks are initiated.

Al-Qaeda attacks condemned, government crack down on internal fundamentalist groups. Indonesian government continue to assist US with intelligence.