The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13504   Message #111507
Posted By: Banjer
04-Sep-99 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Grits
Subject: RE: BS: Grits
Here again goes the great grits discussion....Grits ARE GOOD...I love 'em, they are best when fried eggs are mixed in with them, lotsa butter, salt & pepper....Or as a side when ya'll have a mess of catfish fried just right....You folks that knock 'em just haven't found the best there is. And as for the brains....Pork brains with eggs, scrambled together, a mess of collards on the side...Hummm! Go-oood! Mustard greens, turnip greens, when cooked right are also next to ambrosia...Haven' thad a lot of that good eatin' for a while, wife is a Connecticut yankee, doncha know....Seems like the only thing them Yanke wimmen can do is boil the bejessus out of anything!