The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66917   Message #1115375
Posted By: JenEllen
13-Feb-04 - 02:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Being alone, how?
Subject: RE: BS: Being alone, how?
Move to a town with a decent nursing college and post free rent for some student who is willing to help with chores and personal care. If you've made yourself be alone (and it IS a choice--billions of bloody people in the world, we're too crowded to be lonely) you are going to have to figure on paying for care. You can't expect anyone to do anything out of the kindness of their hearts when you've done nothing to inspire it.

That said, the conversation reminds me of one I had with my sainted Nana some time ago. I was driving across the midwest with a dalmatian in the back seat for 'rescue', and she thought it was the funniest thing that we (people) drive across the state for a dog, but forget our own families. That started a downhill slide of "Grandparent Rescue" and to this day I can't drive past another car with an elderly person in the backseat without thinking of her.

We sat laughing about webpages full of blurbs, and pictures of expectantly smiling elderly people. "EDNA= needs a good home, she's house-trained and great with kids..." "MORRIS= needs a home with no other old people and plenty of room to run..." "SYLVIA= needs Xtra care, she comes from an abusive home with children who never call..." Fundraising drives and collections for rubber sheets and cans of Ensure, the whole nine yards. It's probably more feasible than any "Old Folkies Home".