The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66902   Message #1115546
Posted By: Gareth
13-Feb-04 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
An interesting thread, unfortnatley history is full of "What if's".

I've posted this before but its worth repeating. A tale from my late father. (Incidently the British NHS removed the last shell splinter from his back in 1982 - To his dying day he attributed it to American "Friendly Fire" in Normandy, but I digress)

By May 1945 his unit of Self Propelled Anti-Tank Guns (M10's with the 17pdr modification) had fought from Normandy to Keil. Dead Mens Shoes had promoted him from a Leitenant to Acting Major, and OIC of the Battery. Minor wounds, but nothing to keep him way from the sharp end for any length of time. (No Blighty one)

Orders came - back to the UK to refit, destination the Far East, for the invasion of the Home Islands.

He was very happy to hear about the Atomic Bombs, and the Japanese capitulation.
