The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66719   Message #1115656
Posted By: Sam L
14-Feb-04 - 12:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: The largest class society in the world
Subject: RE: BS: The largest class society in the world
My point about garbage men and doctors--actually I don't think I originated the comparison to doctors but was thinking of some other professions, I think I said interior designers, who I happen to like to poke fun at. The larger point is lost in quibbling and over-the-top remarks. The larger point is simply reasonable proportions are not reached by market forces alone, unless people take things at least a little bit seriously, and try to make the decent choices they can. Not just one or a few decent choices that you wear like a damned halo, and act smug about, but just a bit of civilized concern--that helps, I think. It's not their fault, or their fault, it's the conglomeration of our own little daily faults, fed into the machine of the economy.

I'm afraid people will think I posted as Martin, just to contradict him. Why mention fruit pickers at all if you really don't know about the slave trade in it? It's hard to believe. But what's the point in debating the question, whether this stuff is real or not? If it is, Martin, you must have your head so far up your butt than one can only hope it will pop out on top again of it's own volition, someday. Nobody can help you with it--there's no point in blue-clicky articles or throwing the facts at you if you don't quite give a rat's ass, anyway. Look into things for yourself. Even if a good row with someone makes you feel more certain, you aren't, and don't actually know any more than you did, just because you attacked someone else. I think your crude manner betrays your neediness and doubt (I try to let my neediness and doubt speak for themselves) If you are for real, it's hard for me to picture, since everyone I know personally is less bitchy and cartoony. Especially the ones who enjoy life so hotdamndadgonedingdang much. It doesn't sound very much like you do. Sounds like something's gnawing at you.