The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66917   Message #1115671
Posted By: Mudlark
14-Feb-04 - 01:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: Being alone, how?
Subject: RE: BS: Being alone, how?
Well, I for one vote for voluntary euthanasia. Though I have many friends, all of whom I love dearly, I am basically a loner sort who needs lots of alone time. When my life partner of 40 years died suddenly I went into a 2 yr panic mode. My head was filled with What-ifs and Oh-my-gods...

Now, nearly 3 yrs later, I've had to deal with many of the very things I worried about, including going through major surgery, and somehow, sometimes alone, often with help from friends, I've gotten through surprisingly well. And I am coming to feel a sense of competence and self-confidence I wouldn't have believed possible 3 years ago.

I'm rarely, if ever "lonely," as such. I miss John still, every day, but I'm also comfortable with my own company. I have a lot of interests, too many actually to give any of them their due, and 3 dogs as merry companions.

My health is frail, and has been for some time, and I'm also experiencing trouble with my eyes now. As I live out in the country (and can't imagine living any place else), I still get panic spells about not being able to drive, not being able to take care of a country place, etc. But I'm getting better about coping with them. I give myself over to a day of panic control: mindless TV and microwave popcorn, and the next day do something active, like cleaning out the fishpond, or renovating a garden bed, and by the 3rd day I'm fine again.

I do think it's important to take what precautions you can. Like you, Maryann, I've made a will, left instructions about the dogs, left spare keys with friends, set up a system of daily, or near daily email contact, so if something happened to me, somebody would know about it soon enough to take care of the dogs...and hopefully, me. I carry a cell phone with me now, not only in the car, but when doing slightly dangerous outside stuff far from the house phone.

I've sung in enough care facilities to feel that the Hemlock Society would be my new best friend, should it ever come to that. My husband died in his sleep, after a pleasant, active day working outside. I can only hope that is my fate as well.

Thanks for this's good to know, in yet another way, that we are not "alone," a old-folkie support group! Lots of good ideas here...