The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66867   Message #1115800
Posted By: Linda Kelly
14-Feb-04 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BBC Folk Awards 2004 Winners
Subject: RE: BBC Folk Awards 2004 Winners
What a strange reply countess richard-firstly I do not sneer-it is unbecoming.Secondly, I bothered to vote and am entitled to opinions which I have freely expressed in Mudcat over the years and intend to continue to do so, even if no others agree with me. I merely challenge why people like Jez, who have contributed so much over so many years, do not appear to be acknowledge when the accolades are handed out. For staying power, I suggest we revisit this thread in ten years time and we will measure it more accurately. Finally, do not open your thread, invite 'the arguments to begin' and then accuse those, whose opinions may or may not differ to your own, of sneering-frankly it's crass-but I accept your apology.