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Thread #66813   Message #1115903
Posted By: Alice
14-Feb-04 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bottom line on AWOL story
Subject: RE: BS: Bottom line on AWOL story
Doug, respectfully, having his dental records there does not mean HE was there.

Here are some facts from his record:

From May to November 1972, George W. Bush was living in Alabama working on the US senate campaign of Winton Blount and was required to attend drills with the Air National Guard unit in Montgomery, Alabama. There is no record that he attended any drills whatsoever. Additionally, General William Turnipseed (r) who was commander of the unit at that time has stated in interviews that he never saw Bush report for duty.

On September 5, 1972, Bush had requested permission to perform duty for September, October, and November at the 187th Tactical Recon Group in Montgomery. Permission was granted, and Bush was ordered to report to General William Turnipseed. In interviews, Turnipseed, and his administrative officer at the time, Kenneth K. Lott, have stated that they had no memory of Bush ever reporting.

Seven months later, at Ellington Air Force Base in Texas, Bush's two superior officers were unable to complete his annual evaluation covering the year from May 1, 1972 to April 30, 1973 because, "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of this report." Both superior officers, who are now dead, and also Ellington's top personnel officer at the time, mistakenly concluded that Bush served his final year of service in Alabama. Bush returned to live in Texas after the senatorial election in November, 1972, so this is obviously not true.

According to the records available from the National Guard, the period between May 1972 and May 1973 remains unaccounted for. George W. Bush himself has refused to answer questions about this period in his life, other than to state that he fulfilled all of his National Guard commitments. If this were true, why is there no record of him fulfilling these commitments at either of his posts in Texas or Alabama? Why is there not one commanding officer that can come forward and state unequivocally that Bush reported for duty?

In fact, General Turnipseed has been quoted as saying he is "dead certain he didn't show up."

And how did Bush get into his spot in the National Guard? In spite of abysmally low test scores, he leap-frog jumped over more qualified men who scored higher than Bush.

Those who served with Bush and can attest to his being on duty can claim a cash award, two rewards actually, one in Texas and one in Alabama. Not many takers, it seems. see