The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66991   Message #1116321
Posted By: Frankham
15-Feb-04 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Kerry and the Supreme Court
Subject: RE: BS: Kerry and the Supreme Court
Hi Nerd,

You said,
"As to your final point, it's true that Kerry would have more impact as President, though as LadyJean points out, we have no idea what that impact would be."

We would have the same problem with Dean. Karl Rove is chuckling
at the thought of Dean against Bush.

Kerry is not perfect. But Dean hasn't really been tested as
a viable candidate either. And the more attacks on Kerry, the
less chance Dean has. It shows how he wants to tear the Democratic opposition apart and for what purpose?

He will be defeated in Wisconsin.

As to blaming Kerry for a nomination of a Republican Supreme Court Justice, that "dog won't hunt" either. That's mere speculation
and not evidence.

Clinton wasn't the most perfect person in the
White House either but he was a damn sight better than Bush who is
ruining the country.

Dean is a heavy drag on the Democratic Party right now. At least
Clark and Gephardt had the sense to throw their support to

Kucinich was and is my first choice but I am not naive enough to
think he has a chance. The American people are not ready for him
yet. He is advanced in his thinking. Right now, there is a
focus on "national security" which I think is another scare tactic and Kerry can deal with that. As far as flip-flopping on issues,
it's politics whether Deaniacs can accept that or not, it is reality that political decisions are not made by sanctimonious judgments.
The most important focus for the country and for the Democrats right now is to get rid of George Bush, not on a failed candidacy of
Howard Dean.
