The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13504   Message #111687
Posted By: Barry Finn
05-Sep-99 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Grits
Subject: RE: BS: Grits
Yup, Kendall, I believe, known as slave food in eariler times & to much of it given to servants or slaves was outlawed, used to wash up & litter the beaches after a storm (seacoast's version of a windfall), so I've read, I'm not that old yet. Mussels & mako is another example, you couldn't have given that to a one eyed cat 20 years ago now it's found in fancy resturants at a price that would make any fishmen think that Y2K will be the year to beat all, as long as their fishfinders don't belly up first. Barry, who's now craving a fresh half cooked slab of bluefish smothered in green peppers & onions with a side of sweet butter & sugar corn or is that salt & pepper corn, no, could that be brown & black indian corn, alright please pass the dogshit. Thanks