The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66902   Message #1117050
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Feb-04 - 12:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
Just because you don't like talking about war is no reason to decry those who do, Ellen. And you may misunderstand their motivations in doing so. Becoming very familiar with anything can, in itself, stir up strong interest in that subject.

Example: babies. I don't have much experience with them at this point, and I'm frankly rather uninterested in them most of the time. That doesn't mean that I think it's awful for people to go on and on talking about babies...although I wouldn't be too inclined to join in the conversation. Same goes for, let's see, mortgages and insurance policies and the stock market. Little experience, little interest.

Now war: Suppose that one had lived a number of lives in which one fought in wars...died in some...and was profoundly affected by the experience. That might produce a continuing interest in military history and strategy. Suppose that one's father had fought in a war, and this made a powerful impression on the mind of a young boy. That might produce an interest. Then too, one grows up in a culture filled with movies, books, comics, and so on about not only war, but every kind of adventure, such as: Tarzan stories, space stories, cowboy stories, samurai stories, Zorro, Davy Crockett, and so on and so on. Now a kid knows perfectly well that they're just stories...fantasies from his point of view. He plays "guns" knowing it's a fantasy. I certainly did.

I have NEVER in my adult life had any desire to be in a war, fire a gun at another human being, or engage in any such destructive activities whatsoever, because I know the difference between fantasy and reality.

So learn a little toleration, Ellen. If you want people to give up everything they "get off on" that might possibly bother someone else, you will have to eliminate virtually all forms of entertainment and literature in the world...and you won't improve things one bit by doing so.

Just accept the fact that some people are different from you, that's all. It doesn't meant they're sick or bad people.

- LH