The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66902   Message #1117127
Posted By: freightdawg
16-Feb-04 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
Let's see, Ellenpoly:

In your first post you mentioned Genghis Kahn, (sp.?), Napolean, Julius Caesar, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden - warriors or terrorists each and every one. In a subsequent post it was you who introduced the discussion of the use of the atomic bomb. I, along with a couple of others, had some thoughts on the subject which led to a enlightening discussion, at least from my point of view. We may have veered off of the thought of your original post, which I tried to clarify with a later set of questions. You either did not see that post or chose to ignore it.

Now you blame me and the others of GETTING OFF ON WAR (your emphasis.)In your self-congratulatory tirade against all who look back on history with an enquiring eye you seem to overlook one critical fact: if we do not examine and reexamine and examine again the mistakes of our past we have no hope of avoiding them in the future! Forgive me if I am wrong, but I did not read one line of the entire discussion that indicated the author wanted to rip is opponent's head off or glory in his/her mangled body. We disagreed about some points of historical interpretation, and had a reasoned discussion about it.

It was you, was it not, that protested the use of emotion over intellect? And then, in the midst of an intellectual debate, it was you who came in kicking and screaming and throwing over all the tables and telling us we are a bunch of immature warmongers who are destined to be kicked of this wonderful, astounding planet.

Well, Ellenpoly, it may come as a shock, but there are honest, good people who have honest, frank disagreements. For instance, I cannot disagree with you more strongly when you assert that agression in self defence is wrong or is not appropriate. That is exactly why more than 6 million Jews were killed by Hitler and his henchmen. That is why Saddam Hussein got away with gassing thousands of Kurdish people along the norther border of Iraq. That is why hundreds, if not thousands, of black people were murdered in the United States just because they were black. Sometimes agression is the ONLY appropriate and justified and sane and legitimate response.

I apologise if my discussion with Little Hawk made you physically ill. The surprise attack at Pearl Harbor that started the war and the atomic bomb that ended it made a lot more people more than just a little physically ill. I, for one, would like not to have to see another war like it in my lifetime. Maybe, just maybe, if enough people would discuss why they happen and what could be done to keep those things from happening again, maybe we could prevent another one from happening.

I would still like for you to clarify your earlier posts with specific examples. That way maybe we could respond to the intent of your first post, or engage with your line of reasoning. Apparently we have not done a very good job. I await a more reasoned and intellectual response.
