The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66917   Message #1117393
Posted By: Allan C.
16-Feb-04 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Being alone, how?
Subject: RE: BS: Being alone, how?
maire-aine's recent post along with some of the other thoughts expressed here, bring up an interesting question that I have tried to answer for myself with only limited success. Let's just say for the sake of argument that a plot of land were available at no cost. Let's add that on that land there could be a central building that could house a few people either temporarily (until they built a place of their own) or possibly permanantly. Then let's pretend that it could be on the same continent upon which you currently reside - unless you would want to make an even greater change. Where would you want it to be?

I have thought about it and have come to realize that, although I would want the sense of being removed from the city, I would also want easy access to a good hospital. I think I would also want to be within reasonable driving distance to a folk venue, be it a pub or coffeehouse or whatever, where professional, performing artists might be seen. (This may be a moot point if one of the communitys' "industries" were to operate our own coffeehouse.) My own personal preference is for a place that has all four seasons; but I can foresee a time when dealing with three feet of snow or more could be much more of a problem than it is at present.

My own idea of where to locate this plot of land is something I will speak to at a later date. I am curious to see what thoughts you might have.