The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #35611   Message #1118165
Posted By: GUEST,Big Mick
18-Feb-04 - 01:25 AM
Thread Name: Why We Sing, Part II
Subject: RE: Why We Sing, Part II
It's a little after 1:00 AM and I am just back to my hotel, and getting ready to leave for home in the morning. I have spent two days in the loving embrace of Paul and Bev Mills, and the warmth of love and friendship that surrounds Rick and Heather Fielding. I have made music with these wonderful Toronto folkies, and felt the passion they have for their music. I find myself questioning how it is that I have been so lucky as to have be able to experience this. And I find myself longing to share it with all of you. I am here because of this placed, this Mudcat. I am here because we have all become friends. Because of this place I became friends with Rick and Heather. How does one express the depth of feeling that I have for this man and this woman? And how did it come about so quickly? That is the miracle of Max's Mudcat.

Why do I sing? I sing for these friends and this community. I sing for the FSGW and the wonderful folk ghetto of Silver Spring. I sing for the Toronto folk community that has taken me in and treated me with such acceptance. I sing in thanksgiving for precious gifts like Paul and Bev Mills, two of the finest, gentlest people I know.

But today, and forever more, I sing for Rick and Heather. I sing for the love they have shown me, and the friendship they have given me. I sing in celebration of the eternal friendship. I sing in celebration of the love I have seen expressed for the two of them. I sing in the hope that I can justify the faith that Rick has shown in me. I sing in the hope that I can gain the giving attitude of my friend, the willingness to share and help. It will embarass Rick to know that I aspire to be like him, and to have the type of caring that he does. I sing in the hope that I can face adversity as he has.

Rick, in your singing of the last cut, I heard the heart, I heard the truth, I heard the bravery, and I heard the uncertainty. You have touched me in a way that defies description, but which will impact the way I sing from this day evermore. I hate your disease with everything in me, but I will not let it define our friendship. You are my friend, and I am better for that. Thanks be for that.

So, Paul and Bev, Rick and Heather, and the rest who know who they are ............................. I sing for you.

All the best,
