The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67092   Message #1118707
Posted By: saulgoldie
18-Feb-04 - 06:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dean Quits ?
Subject: RE: BS: Dean Quits ?
He may be quitting the campaign, but the frustration with the Democratic party that he gave voice to will not go gently into that good night. Of course Bush is (fill in your favorite negative characterization). But the Democratic party has not stood firm against him, or against any of the other nasty trends and ideas for most of the last 20 years by my count. They need a reallignment. Dean spearheaded that reallignment, until some of the other Dems, fearful went canabalistic in the early primaries and then the news media overplayed and misrepresented "the scream."

They had to, though cause he was their biggest enemy having announced that big media was too big and incestuous and needed to be brought down to size. Can't really explain why the Dems thought it was a good idea to munch on one of their own when the real enemy was in the general election.

If the other Dems keep even a fraction of the energy and dedication to issues that Dean represented, the effort was worth it. One can only hope that it is not just convenience, but a little conviction as well.