The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66917   Message #1118830
Posted By: Allan C.
18-Feb-04 - 10:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Being alone, how?
Subject: RE: BS: Being alone, how?
Let me take a moment to summarize what I have seen so far with regard to location and then I'll add my two cents worth.

As was said above and elsewhere, it seems unlikely that any one site would suit all. In the USA the Mudcat membership, which is the only representative means I know by which to estimate the geographical census of folk music enthusiasts, is not at all spread evenly. In general terms, the number of folkies parallels the overall population numbers, with certain notable exceptions. Over all, members become more and more sparse the further west you go until you get to the western, coastal states where there is a dramatic increase. (Consider for a moment that the huge state of Texas only has four active 'Catters at last count; whereas there are probably five times that many within fifty miles of Philadelphia, alone.)

It would appear from this that, at minimum, the USA would require both an eastern and a western site, which would have the additional effect of accommodating visitations to and by relatives and friends.

Clearly, there are some major issues with meteorological climate. Some folks who are quite happy with long winters and short summers have little wish to live where things are somewhat, if not entirely, the opposite. The reverse is also true. For some, there is no middle ground.

As was indicated by the reference to "the Bible Belt" in one posting, (which, by the way, is usually defined as relating to states in the deep south, with Texas as the keystone,) the issue of local sentiment could also be an important issue. There are some communities that simply would not look upon such a thing with open mind. A somewhat related issue is that of zoning regulations.

In view of these considerations along with those listed in my previous post regarding hospital access and folk venue availability, one could hardly be arbitrary in selecting a prospective site. My own sense regarding an eastern USA location is that certain areas in Virginia or in northern North Carolina might have the most to offer. I would have to bow to more knowledgeable folks regarding the western states, Canada, the UK, Australia and elsewhere.

If you are as serious about this as I am and if you are interested in pursuing a location such as I have proposed, please PM me. Who knows? We may be onto something!