The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67092   Message #1118845
Posted By: freightdawg
18-Feb-04 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Dean Quits ?
Subject: RE: BS: Dean Quits ?
Dean was the voice for the most disenfranchised of democratic voters.

He spoke what was on his mind, but he problem was he was always retracting his most egregious statements a few days later. The broad middle of the party came to see that he was not presidential material.

Kerry and Edwards have the presidential aura, but the problem with Kerry is his long and varied senatorial record. As many national pundits have well stated, if he gets the nomination the race will not be between Bush and Kerry, but between Kerry and Kerry. Who is the real Kerry?

If Edwards gets the nomination it will be big business vs. big lawyers. But, having said that, I think the democrats wisest choice would be Edwards.

Kerry just has too much baggage, too much to try to explain. And very likely, his choice of vp would come across as more charismatic than he is. Not a likely recipe for success.

It will be interesting, to say the least.
