The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66902   Message #1118973
Posted By: freda underhill
19-Feb-04 - 05:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
there's always a head chimp, some people hanging around the head chimp, and then the disempowered ones.

I even watch my cats play this game - whenever a new cat comes to our co-op, they fight until one establishes dominance, and the new one settles into a corner that is their own.

women in groups play it among themselves too. while i am fundamentally loyal to other women, and my close friends are women, i think these power games happen in any group of people. but our different discussions on this thread have highlighted our different ways of thinking.

people operate in their own small circles, or larger circles. the real power games are happening on a grand scale, globally, and nationally.

it is easy to observe power networks within the closer circles. it is scary to step into the big circles - these are connected to media, bureaucracies, Godzilla governments, big business, and have their global power mechanisms.

the moral dilemma part is to what extent does does a little gnat caught up in the moonlight squeak before being flattened by the huge mega Godzilla that is leaving bodies in its trail?

easier to go out & listen to moosic...

fre da people