The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66902   Message #1120310
Posted By: GUEST,Ellenpoly
21-Feb-04 - 05:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
Subject: RE: BS: Moral Dilemma Part 2
You know, I have no idea why we seem to need an "other", freightdawg. I do think it is certainly something in ourselves that scares us, and that's why we need to create these monsters under the beds to focus on instead. It's also why our current government is using fear once again to keep us huddled behind our doors because if we get out and start talking together (or singing, yes, Freda, I absolutely agree we need more music and voices raised in song...this is a proven mode of increasing our seratonin levels, among other things)we will see beyond the differences.

Little Hawk, PLEASE try again! I know how frustrating it is to write something out, getting it just right, and then..whoops! It's in the Net-Ether somewhere. But I've always found your comments to be thought-provoking and helpful.

I'm reading a book by Sheri S. Tepper, who is just amazing at putting into ideas words far more interesting than mine, something that has stuck with me. She said (and I'm paraphrasing here, as I don't have the book with me). Humans still believe they are perfectable, even though nothing has really changed in their evolutionary make-up for all these thousands of years. We are virtually the same now as we always were. I am in agreement with her on this, and it puts me at odds with several of my more optimistic friends who are still convinced that our actions can change the world beneficially. I just don't see it.

Oh, dear, I'm in too much of a funk today to write more. Sorry...ellen (PS-Come on, Deckman, put down that cannon, and play with us!)