The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67174   Message #1120770
Posted By: dianavan
21-Feb-04 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: elect me for president
Subject: RE: BS: elect me for president
The world, brucie! The world!

Yes, you can be my speech writer. The first thing we do is ban all feedlots and slaughterhouses. Please read the new discussion about B.S.E. for a brief. Think you can convince the masses that our first step toward health and harmony is to stop eating mammals and birds? After that, we convince industry to stop polluting our oceans and streams so that we have enough fish. Oh yeah, Monsanto. I'll deal with them later.

I still haven't heard from Bobert. Yes, a tie would look nice. Maybe one of those with the cartoon characters that kids like but a bow tie might be more appropriate in case he has to take a bath. I hope you have a scanner. We will need elaborate photos to convince the masses that we truly are a dream team. I, for one, look much better when digitally enhanced. Maybe I'll just wear a veil.

The rest of you will have to volunteer to do your share of the work. Pets, of any kind, are against my religion. Affection is not enough! I want to see tangible contributions.

Your benevolent autocrat, d