The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67174   Message #1120794
Posted By: Peace
21-Feb-04 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: elect me for president
Subject: RE: BS: elect me for president
dianavan: If I'm gonna do your press stuff, you HAVE TO WARN ME when you say things about getting your digitals enhanced. There are voters out there who may misunderstand. They'll be asking for before and after shots, and we must be prepared.

And as to our friends at Monsanto: What the future president meant to say was that the country would be making business deals with you later. We would never cast aspersions on one of our important campaign contributors.

Also, dianavan, mention that there will be NO cigars in the Oval Office, or any other oval places for that matter. I can't take much more of this pressure. Where's the VP?