The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67174   Message #1121158
Posted By: dianavan
22-Feb-04 - 01:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: elect me for president
Subject: RE: BS: elect me for president
brucie - I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Of course you can be my press secretary and my campaign manager, too, unless WYSIWYG still wants the job.

Cobble - Nobody has to wear a letter. Shunning works better. Look at what happened to tar heel. Oh the power of the word! POOF - he just vanished. Very tidy - no bloodshed.

Amergin - How dare you call bobert a commie. I would never have a sexist on my team. Since you are too young to run, will you be my policy advisor? I still have no idea what can be done about Monsanto.

freda - I hope you are not being swayed by boberts charm.

and where are Fred Miller, and Frankham when they're needed? Do you think you could convince Carol C. to be my body guard?
