The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67174   Message #1121275
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Feb-04 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: elect me for president
Subject: RE: BS: elect me for president
We (in Canada) do actually intend to annex the USA so the place can get run decently for a change, and stop threatening everybody else all the time. Besides, we gotta get even for their blatant attempt to annex us in 1812-14! :-) We will give certain stolen parts of the USA back to Mexico, in return for Mexican assistance in this noble project. We will also return much stolen land to the Indians. Florida will be turned into a hanging chad preserve. Las Vegas will be attached to very large helium balloons and floated out over the central Pacific Ocean, then dropped.

I refuse to run as either a Democrat or a Republican, so I'm glad you're an independent, dianavan.