The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67035 Message #1121324
Posted By: Bat Goddess
22-Feb-04 - 05:26 PM
Thread Name: Feb. Shanty Session at Press Room
Subject: RE: Feb. Shanty Session at Press Room
No, not Roger from Baltimore, alas -- but Brian.
Briand whose last name is German and starts with an "S" and is right on the end of the tapes, so I'll get to it yet.
He's actually from New Orleans originally, but has been in Baltimore since 1981.
He planned his tour of New Hampshire hospitals (for the Center for Disease Control) so that he would end in Portsmouth on a Friday, figuring that being a port city, there might be some sea music or other folk music around. He called the Oar House (because of its name and location) and they suggested he try The Press Room. So he showed up for the Friday night session and found out we were doing a sea music singaround on Saturday. He lucked out!
Yeah the snow was melted off the cars by the time we left for a rehearsal this afternoon and my car is sitting in a fairly deep puddle. Hope it doesn't freeze!