The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66885   Message #1121662
Posted By: Bob Bolton
23-Feb-04 - 06:56 AM
Thread Name: DTStudy: Bold Jack Donohue
Subject: RE: DTStudy: Bold Jack Donohue
G'day Hrothgar,

The text you quote is a rather "Cluned" version of the song I'm Donahoe that I mentioned in my post above ... It was published in Thomas Walker's Felonry of new South Wales (c. 1895 ...?) - the tune is a slightly extended variant of that Irish tune well-known today as The Parting Glass, though Meredith comments that the song is 'parodied' on an earlier Irish patriotic anthem. Clune has interpolated into the main verse a "response" by the other bushrangers, quoted in Will Jones' Told Around the Bushranger's Fire (Walker's source).

I recited this as a poem for years, but when I came across the tune in Walker - I switched to singing it (mostly).
I did not post the text to this thread as I have probably posted it separately before ... and it is not a member of the Bold Jack Donahoe ballad variants.


Bob Bolton