The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67174   Message #1121811
Posted By: GUEST,Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni
23-Feb-04 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: elect me for president
Subject: RE: BS: elect me for president
Your Benevolence, O Dianavan,

I thank you for your decisions on positions. I will be most happy to "get next to George and his camp" (as you put it), in your service, and indeed, I will be pleased to adopt any position: under, over, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, and any others that may be suggested. I will also be delighted to "take care of Bobert", at your request. He will be safe in my hands.

Thank you for your welcome, John Giok MacKenzie. I am gratified to discover a fellow native of Britannia amongst Dianavan's party. I look forward to being of service, also, in posing in a picture with my chariot for the noble Bruce. Might we also take that opportunity to discuss the possibility of that euphemistic "interview", Bruce ? Just name the time and day.

Be assured, my blades are fully retractable, both on my chariot and upon my person. (A non-retracted blade has been the downfall of many a man of politics, as you may well know).