The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67224   Message #1122146
Posted By: Bobert
23-Feb-04 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proof by Absence
Subject: RE: BS: Proof by Absence
Well, "intentional lie" or otherwise, one thing was and is still obvious. Bush is dillusional. He sees only absolutes and nothing in between. He has no flexibility at all and where some folks think that makes a good leader, there are plenty who want their leader to have enough creativity to adapt to situations.

Now, lets *rewind* back to the 3 or 4 months leading up to the invasion of Iraq. There were inspectors in Iraq making what they thought to be "progress". There were tens upon millions of people in the streets in thre world saying "No War'. There was Scott Ritter, a former inspector, saying that there weren't WMD. There were problems with the UN and with old allies. This was the reality.

A *good leader* would have been *very, very, very* sure, under those circumstances that every concieveable rock had been overturned before taking the country into war. Bush and his folks were so intent on the invasion that completely overlooked dorring the I's and crossing the t's....

If for no other reason than that, these folks do not deserve another chance. War and killing is irreversible and lies don't suddenly become truths...
