The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67070   Message #1122437
Posted By: GUEST,ivor biginnin
24-Feb-04 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
Subject: RE: Sick Note/Bricklayer/ Proved!!
Who said anything about spamming. This happens to be my real name!Reasonable? argument? I don't see any of that here.I only see the usual smug people hiding behind guest and daft names making half arsed assumptions about people.Your talk on penis size only justifies my remarks about pissing contests.

Who said anything about trades people? Again assumptions.Your usual building site labourer - like your deep sea fisherman - does not have a lot of time for folk music they much prefare country and western. It is just like I said in the previouse messages your heads are that far up your arses with your own self importance you don't know about the real world.That song is about a hod carrier,who in there eyes - justifieably so - are the elite of the building trade. He would be very offended if he was called a "Tradesperson" reserving a lot of contempt for bricklayers,joiners,heating engineers etc.

Your remark about it being impossible to hold on to rope to get to the ground agains go to show how out of touch you tossers are.I have seen competitions on sites between hod carriers called "racing round the scaffolding", a variation that was used on sailing ships since Nelsons time.You would climb the scaffolding using only the poles and then use the rope over the "Gin" wheel,the pulley wheel in the song, to descend.The last one down got the first round in the pub.

And the bit about compensation? Well you have to use your imagination for that,which like a sense of humour is something you crowd of pricks are lacking.

Wake up at the back there!!! get out and learn about life and get out of the coccoon of this cosy collective ego massaging

I have been around a lot of time debunking you frauds and charlatons and will continue to do this.