The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67224   Message #1122535
Posted By: Strick
24-Feb-04 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Proof by Absence
Subject: RE: BS: Proof by Absence
Schtick, most WMDs are remarkably low tech. Definitely early 20th century technology that could be manufactured in an empoverished country like Somlia according to one recent president. Getting enough material to fake their existance would be remarkably easy. After all, these weapons create near panic in everyone who comes in contact with them. No one's going to check your evidence too closely giving you plenty of time to destroy it as everyone expect you to do.

It's a little like some poor cop who shoots a deranged man threatening people with a toy gun. Under different circumstances the cop would never have taken it for a real gun; all bets are off once the adrenaline and training take over. Besides, they don't have to fool you. They just have to fool Geraldo in the example I gave.

I just want to be sure I understand your posts. You're saying that so long as you haven't noticed any "bad guys", they don't exist? You said that "They haven't shown up by now therefor(sp) they don't exist." How long before G. Gordon Liddy, James W. McCord Jr., and E. Howard Hunt Jr. were arrested were you aware that Richard Nixon kept men like that on his payroll? Was your knowledge of their existance a necessary prerequsite for their existance? You are aware that LBJ did the same kind of thing but was never caught? If a president bugs his opponent in the woods and no one catches him is the opponent still bugged?

BTW, what I said in the first post was that it was unlikely that Bush lied because it would have been fairly easy to avoid giving the appearance of a lie and those simple precautions weren't taken. Only a fool would lie when he knows he's going to get caught. See Clinton's speach denying he had "sex with that woman".

I'd be happy to compare my credentials against yours any day. On a friendly basis, of course.