The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67035   Message #1122660
Posted By: Bat Goddess
24-Feb-04 - 12:20 PM
Thread Name: Feb. Shanty Session at Press Room
Subject: RE: Feb. Shanty Session at Press Room
Gee, Brien -- you're one of the most courteous session attenders I know of (not to mention possessing a great voice and wonderful repertoire). I'm really curious about what you (unwittingly, I'm sure) did to offend.

By the way, Brian from Baltimore's last name is Shuckschneider, or something like that.

And . . . Jeri and Barbara . . . your harmony on "Bay of Biscay" was AWESOME!!!

I'm also glad I trotted out "Farewell to Nova Scotia" for the first time in public in about 15 years. Gotta start doing it more often.
