The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67224   Message #1123078
Posted By: Strick
24-Feb-04 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proof by Absence
Subject: RE: BS: Proof by Absence
Sorry, Carol. I mean Clinton lied, but he repeated it enough that people believed him anyway. Clinton perjured himself when he was a defendant in sexual harrassment suit, one of several sexual harrassment charges he's faced. Still you think he was impeached for having consentual sex, not for felony perjury, don't you? That's the lie.

Carol, read my post three posts up. Politics be damned. This isn't going to happen because we simply can't do it. We don't have the military power. That's my considered opinion and unless you can show me where we have the capability to do what you think these people are up to, it will remain my considered opinion.

What you say reminds me of a child who thinks her parents were cruel for not giving her a unicorn for Christmas. Nothing will change the child's mind about their cruelty and the fact that the unicorn doesn't exist doesn't enter into consideration for her. Here, the unicorn is the US's capability to do the things we would have to do to usher in the New American Century. That that military capability doesn't exist doesn't enter into your thoughts on the matter, does it?