The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67224   Message #1123144
Posted By: Strick
24-Feb-04 - 11:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proof by Absence
Subject: RE: BS: Proof by Absence
Carol, read my other posts. I hardly think the US government is benign no matter who's in office.

"It doestn't really matter what our capabilities are right now. They can and will change. Count on it."

True enough, but not in a way that matters. Once five or six months ago, a poster on that other forum we used to visit was absolutely convinced that the US was going to attack Syria at any moment. I pointed out that the US would need at least three carriers groups to do that (no one is going to let us use bases in their countries for that kind of attack) and that none of the carriers were in position. Nothing would convince this guy, so I pointed him the website that lists where each of the carriers are at any point in time (you can't hide a carrier after all) and told him to call me when two or more carriers were moving in position. He'd have plenty of time since it would take a month or more for them to get there. Haven't heard a word since.

I'll make you the same kind of offer. Let me know when you hear that Congress is considering funding the building of a 5 million man standing army (not counting reserves) and going on a buying spree for new weapons. You'll have plenty of time as it'll take 2-3 years to make it happen once the first dollar is allocated. Then we'll go fight the bastards together to keep it from happening. In the mean time I'll be off to other things.

Fair enough?