The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67274   Message #1123242
Posted By: sian, west wales
25-Feb-04 - 04:10 AM
Thread Name: Fflat Huw Puw - translation
Subject: RE: Fflat Huw Puw - translation
Mae sŵn yn Mhortinllaen, sŵn hwylie'n codi:
There's a sound in Portinllaen, the sound of sails a'raisin'
Blocie i gyd yn gwichian, Dafydd Jones yn gweiddi:
The blocks are squeaking, Dafydd Jones a'yellin'
Ni fedra'i aros gartre yn fy myw;
For the life of me, I can't stay home
Rhaid i mi fynd yn llongwr iawn ar Fflat Huw Puw.
I must go as a real sailor on Huw Puw's Flat

Fflat Huw Puw yn hwylio heno,
Huw Puw's flat is sailing tonight
Sŵn codi angor; mi fyna'i fynd i forio:
The sound of anchor raising; I must go to sea
Mi wisga'i gap pig gloyw tra bydda'i byw,
I'll wear the sailor's cap (cap with a shiny peak) throughout my life
Os cai fynd yn llongwr iawn ar Fflat Huw Puw.
If I may go as a real sailor on Huw Puw's flat

Mi bryna'i yn y Werddon sane sidan,
I'll buy silk stockings in Ireland,
Sgidie bach i ddawnsio, a rheiny a bycle arian;
Little dancing shoes with silver buckles
Mi fyddai'n ŵr bonheddig tra bydda'i byw,
I'll be a gentleman all my live
Os ca i fynd yn Gapten llong ar Fflat Huw Puw.
If I may be the Captain on Huw Puw's Flat

Mi gadwai'r Fflat fel parlwr gore,
I'll keep the Flat like the best parlour,
Bydd sgwrio mawr a chrafu bob ben bore;
There'll be such scouring and scraping each morning,
Mi fydd y pres yn sgleinio ar y llyw,
The brass on the wheel will gleam
Pan fydda i yn Gapten llong ar Fflat Huw Puw.
When I am Captain on Huw Puw's Flat.

... but ... it isn't saucy. (Am I missing something?)

I've got some background notes somewhere, too.
