The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67231 Message #1123323
Posted By: The Unicorn Man
25-Feb-04 - 06:47 AM
Thread Name: The Bull in Barton Beds 28th Feb
Subject: RE: The Bull in Barton Beds 28th Feb
The last bit I am not sure of, but I've seen Rachel and everything is fine. I will be there at about 7.00pm, one of my mates says he will come if I give him a lift, so I will. Starts at 8.30 with me you and Derick (story Teller, Ring of Roses, then Run to the sea.) Then Derick will do two. After that it is open Mic til 9.20 including Tony. 9.20 til 9.45 Newport West. Break at 9.45- 10.05. Where you can sell some raffel tickets. A couple more floor spots if poss. 10.30 Tam-Lin until 11.15. Sounds great does'nt it. If you can bring something for the raffel. Cheers. See you at Letchworth Dude.