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Thread #67185   Message #1123796
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
25-Feb-04 - 05:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nader To Run For President
Subject: RE: BS: Nader To Run For President
Thanks for your opinion Guest. I personally don't see it happening, and if history tells us anything, the only change will come from within.

The country is strong enough to accept 4 years of any candidate. There are enough checks and balances built in to preserve it.

What I disagree with is the impression that McCarthy "had the guts". He was hesitant about running and admited that he didn't think he had a chance, but he entered the race to voice the growing anti-war movement, at the urging of a group (with money) in the Democratic party. This wasn't a grass-roots effort. McCarthy had supported LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin resolution, but soon became disillusioned by the events of the war. You make it seem that Kennedy's anti-war stance was part of his being an opportunist, and many people would disagree with that. Kennedy played the game and did not want to unseat a sitting president from his party, something his brother Teddy would later try in 1980. Kennedy also was promoting a "workable peace" and trying to honor the efforts of our forces that were sent to Vietnam.   A "rank opportunist"? Perhaps. Show me a candidate who isn't.

I still feel that reform will come from within the party. The Republicans did it after their horrible experience with Goldwater. The Democratic Party can reform, but it will happen from within - not from candidates like Nader. Dean should have been able to build upon what he started and work for change in the party.