The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67224   Message #1123820
Posted By: Strick
25-Feb-04 - 05:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proof by Absence
Subject: RE: BS: Proof by Absence
"perhaps they were percieved as uncooperative because they couldn't show WMDs that didn't exist"

Well, you're going quite a bit beyond my point, so I'm not going to reply too fully. We agree on the point of this thread.

"Cooperation" wasn't asking the Iraqis to show WMDs, just let the inspectors in where they were required show what documentation they had.

"I agree it's a good thing he's gone but what's going to happen now could be worse than if we had left him alone."   I can't agree. That's why we're going to be tied down there a while. There are still troops in Kosovo for that very reason.

"New-Clee-Arr" Funny, that's how Jimmy Carter pronounces it. Must be that degree he has in New-Clee-Arr Engineering. Or maybe just the Southern accent in general. So a Southern accent annoys you?