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Thread #67224   Message #1124007
Posted By: Strick
25-Feb-04 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proof by Absence
Subject: RE: BS: Proof by Absence
You're refering to film Jamie Doran was showing around last year that claimed the US was complicit in the death of upwards 5,000 Taliban at the hands of the Northern Alliance? Saw it in a couple of outlets. It was a while back, didn't Newsweek carry the story? Both Newsweek and the Guardian looked into it and couldn't find anything to substantiate the story. Haven't seen anything on it lately. What kind of coverage of the story were you expecting?

I see from the Newsweek I googled up that they call this a war by proxie. Interesting. So the Afghanis fighting to over-turn Taliban rule are proxies rather than people fighting for their own freedom from an oppressive regime? Have the Taliban been rehabilitated or do we still remember that soccer field?