The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67224   Message #1124347
Posted By: sledge
26-Feb-04 - 10:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Proof by Absence
Subject: RE: BS: Proof by Absence
He may have been an ally but anyone who will imprison/work to death millions of his own people, just to meet arbitrary quotas does not deserve the description good guy. He was a monster of the highest order.

Don't forget that just prior to the great patriotic war he was nicely in bed with Hitler, just ask the Poles who ended up under his rule and the 20 thousand or so polish officers murdered and later found in the Katyn wood.

Not to mention the huge chunks of eastern Europe that were later run by the communist governments imposed on them by heroic Uncle Joe.

And its a good job he died when he did, his final madness in the early fifties was a new anti jewish pogrom fueled by the so called Jewish Doctors conspiricy. It was quietly shelved on his death as it was known to be a complete fiction.

Much of this is forgotten now or ignored.
