The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67224   Message #1124406
Posted By: Strick
26-Feb-04 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Proof by Absence
Subject: RE: BS: Proof by Absence
I don't know, Rob. Remember that the Soviet Union defeated Germany, the western allies only helped (really, it's true).

Have we forgotten how Israel got to be such an important factor in US foreign policy? The US was the first nation to recognize Israel's independence, I'd say out of a feeling that they deserved a homeland after what they went through during WWII. Unfortunately the one they were evicted from in 70 A.D. had been occupied in the mean time. In classic fashion the US sided with the underdog in the wars that followed and the Israelis finally convinced their enemies that they couldn't be defeated on the battlefield. During this period there several movies made that tried to show the justice of the Israeli cause, "Exodus", "Cast a Giant Shadow" being two I remember. American sympathes grew.

It wasn't until Israel realized they could use their newly developed power and invaded Lebanon that things started to change if very slowly. It went down hill from there. It's hard to like the Sharon's policies toward the Palestinians, but even today no politician could be too openly critical of Israeli policy. Ask Hillary Clinton. She sure backed down quick.