The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67224   Message #1124729
Posted By: GUEST,Slick
26-Feb-04 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Proof by Absence
Subject: RE: BS: Proof by Absence
No I'm not kidding. I wish you were.

So when my friend, a gentleman with a master degree who lives in Syracuse, NY, says "youse" instead of "you", it's out of ignorance, not an accent?

If he were speaking in front of the UN and he said "Youse guys from Eastern Europe" Hell yes that would be ignorant. I'm sure he's learned proper grammar somewhere along the way.

There a difference between a regional pronounciation of a sound and mispronouncing a word, especially a technical scientific term. Its not like they had nukular weapons at the alamo. If there is one person on this planet who should have some reverence and respect for the word nuclear, it is the President of the United States.

Can you even tell me with a straight face that it is a regionalism rather than ignorance? This is the man who said "Is our children learning?". I really doubt that your 17 year old would make that mistake. If he plans to make any presentations or speechs to people other than those unfortunate Texans who are unwise enough to wear their ignorance like badges of honour, than I'd advice him to use the correct pronounciation of technical and scientific terms.