The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67385   Message #1125424
Posted By: McGrath of Harlow
27-Feb-04 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: When is St. Patrick's day? Skarpi Iceland.
Subject: RE: BS: When is St.Patricks day? Skarpi Iceland.
St Patrick's Day is always March 17th, the same way Christmas is always December 25th. Whatever day of the week they may happen to fall on. It means each year is a little different from the last year.

However in an imperfect world people sometimes cheat by having St Patrick's Day celebrations on some adjoining weekend day. A deplorable habit.

Of course the trouble is that outside Ireland it isn't a public holiday - I feel that part of celebrating it should involve taking the day off, if it's a workday. First things first.