The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67410   Message #1127429
Posted By: Rasener
02-Mar-04 - 01:45 AM
Thread Name: The role of folk clubs today
Subject: RE: The role of folk clubs today
If I do go with the local Cricket and Football Club facilities, they have 200 - 300 members. I don't think that includes the children.

In setting up the Folk Club, I am aware that there is a big potential to attract quite a few listeners. In the beginning, I am assuming that none of these people will come and watch. But if 1 person from that club, does come and watch and says it was crap, I may as well shut up shop, because the whole of the club will know about it and the rest of the town (3500 residents).

If it is good, then I am hoping over time that more people will come along. The more listeners I get, the better chance I have of offering some sort of recompense to the regular singers.

So I have to work a fine balance betweeen the artists and the listeners.

So far the artists who have said they will come and sing/play have a good track record, and from what I can see are genuinly interested in promoting the club and folk. That at least gives me a good chance of pulling this off.