The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67461   Message #1127751
Posted By: The Unicorn Man
02-Mar-04 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: Bull at Barton Beds 8th March
Subject: RE: Bull at Barton Beds 8th March
Can't make it tonight, WHAT about Blue Anchor??.And yes it is just a festival thing. If I take on any more I'll end up as MAD as you. And what do you mean about Herga, Chesham And Waltham Abbey nights?. Going to see your mates Anahata and Mary on Friday, so see you at The Hertfordshire day of song at Hitchin with Barry Goodman on Saturday? 12.00 til 6.00. Warm you up after a mornings busking. I will tell Ross.